Tuesday, November 28, 2017

14. The Ellen Show

When I think about a "Bright Spot", one of the things I automatically think about is The Ellen Show. For those who don't know, I absolutely love Ellen Degeneres. I think she is an amazing human being and she will always be one of my idols.

I don't admire her because she is a celebrity or because she has a really entertaining talk show, I admire her because she is a kind human being. No matter who she comes into contact with, she is always kind. She even ends her show every time by saying "be kind".

Image result for ellen degeneres be kind

I love everything she stands for and I think that every person should aspire to be the kind of human being that Ellen is. If more people kept the phrase "be kind" in their mind, I think we could avoid a lot of wars, angry people, fights, and divorces. We really could change the world if we could all just learn to be kind.

So my word of wisdom today is to be kind. Make your own bright spot and be kind to those around you. The guy who honked at you? Be kind and give a friendly wave. The homeless man begging for money? Be kind and spare a few bucks. Your annoying sibling that won't leave you alone? Be kind and give him your attention.

Just be kind.

Image result for kindness

1 comment:

  1. I love this! Kindness goes a long way. Also I didn't know you loved Ellen! Now that I think of it, she really is super kind.


15. Conclusion

The time has come for this blog to come to an end. It's the big conclusion, the big "see ya later". I've always love...