Tuesday, November 28, 2017

15. Conclusion

The time has come for this blog to come to an end. It's the big conclusion, the big "see ya later".

I've always loved blogging and I truly relished in this experience to keep up my own blog. It really is a great way to release your thoughts and is a calming thing to do during your day.

One thing that I have learned from blogging is that I can improve my writing skills through practicing each day. Which is one thing that this blog is good for. However, the most important thing that I have learned from blogging is that I can make a difference.

Like we learned from Elder Bednar's "Flood the Earth" talk, the world is needing positive content in its social media platforms. We, as members of the church and human beings, can be that positive instigator that the world needs. I really tried to keep most of my posts pretty positive and I realized that, through that, I can make a difference. I can make a bright spot in someone else's life and on their monitor.

So, I am really happy that I was able to participate in this blogging project because, not only was I able to exercise my writing skills on a daily basis, I felt that I was able to shed some light in a dark world and create a bright spot for people around me. I hope that, through blogging and your social media, that you can help make a bright spot too.

Together we can make a difference through spreading a positive impact in this otherwise dreary world.

1 comment:

15. Conclusion

The time has come for this blog to come to an end. It's the big conclusion, the big "see ya later". I've always love...