Wednesday, November 22, 2017

8. Young & Married

About 3 months ago, on a sunny day in August, I took the plunge and decided to become Mrs. Tate. Let me tell you, it was both the scariest and the happiest decision I ever made. Coming from a state where most people don't get married until they are 30, I did find myself receiving a lot of criticism from people back home.

But guess what? Their criticisms don't mean anything to me. I am happy. I am loved. I am exactly where I want to be right now. Yes, I am 21 and still in school, but there really is no great place in life to be. Though being married does have its challenges, there are so so many positives to being married.

1. You get to share a cute little, run-down apartment with your best friend. 

- Emphasis on the "run-down" part, but that is what makes hilarious memories and helps you to appreciate the finer things in life later on. 

2. No matter what your mood is, there's always someone right there to make you feel better or celebrate your good day with you.

3. Your parents can't tell you what to do anymore. One morning we woke up and decided to go on a mini-vacation to Park City. We just got up, packed, and left. No one even knew where we were. It's awesome. 

4. Traditions! You get to make new traditions or implement your family's traditions with his family's traditions. We have already started a new tradition to get a Christmas tree ornament whenever we go on a vacation. 

5. More family to love. You get to keep your family, but you get even more family members (your in-laws) to love you and help you feel welcome. 

At the end of the day, I look at my sweet husband and I just feel so happy with my decision to make him my eternal best friend. Yes, I am 21 and married, but I am happier than ever.

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15. Conclusion

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