Thursday, November 16, 2017

6. Self-Worth

Self Worth. It's a touchy subject for lots of people. Especially girls. Especially me.

Growing up, I always struggled with this. I felt like I was almost fighting a daily battle just to love myself and think I was beautiful. Once I started dating my now-husband, I felt my confidence sky-rocket and I felt like the most beautiful woman every single day. I don't know if that was just the "twitterpatted" phase or what, but it was a good time of life. I still feel confident, but I have recently noticed these old feelings of decreased self worth creeping back into my life. However, instead of letting it eat at me, I recently decided to stand up and fight against these feelings.

Through lots of prayer and scripture reading, I have battled these feelings through truly gaining a testimony that I am a daughter of God. Let me tell ya, this makes all the difference. I just want to tell all the girls out there that you are loved. God loves you and so do many other people. You are beautiful in so many eyes, even if your own eyes don't see it. Never let some lame thought put you down because you are better than that.

You are a royal daughter of God who is destined for great things. Never forget it.

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