Friday, November 24, 2017

9. Gratitude.

It is that time of the year. The time of year when a ton of assignments are due, Christmas activities are beginning, and I am itching to be done with the semester.

Don't get me wrong, I love school and I especially love BYU, but I am tired. This semester has worn me out and it makes my brain even more tired knowing that I still have at least 2 more years left of school.

However, this class has really been a joy for me. I love English and I've loved having Sister Steadman as a professor. This class helps my tired soul feel a little happier as I go to class.

One of my favorite projects that we have done so far this semester has been the collaborative argument project. My group and I are doing the Top 5 Utah Roadtrips and it has been a fun assignment to participate in.

I guess the point of this blog post is ultimately a gratitude post. We just finished Thanksgiving and I am reflecting on all I have to be grateful for. BYU is at the top of my list. I am grateful I get to go to such an outstanding school with great people and professors. I am also grateful for this class. It really has been a fun class and I'm grateful for all I've gotten to learn this semester.

So, even when you're tired and ready for this semester to end, always remember that there is something to be grateful for.


  1. I really like your writing style. It's also true what you said! I'm glad you've had such a good semester and I've loved being in your class.

  2. I love the way you're able to find the good in the overwhelming and the stressful! You're a good example to me. I'm very glad I've had you as a classmate and group project member for basically all the group projects we've done in this class!


15. Conclusion

The time has come for this blog to come to an end. It's the big conclusion, the big "see ya later". I've always love...