Sunday, November 26, 2017

11. Expecto Patronum

If you've seen the Harry Potter movies or read the books, you know that the "Expecto Patronum" spell is a spell meant to ward off dementors by producing a happy animal spirit that scares them away. The way to produce this spell is to think of a really happy thought as you shout these words with your magical wand.

Although we are all muggles and don't have the privilege of actually casting spells, I often think about what my happiest moment would be in this situation. As this blog is called "The Bright Spot", I found it fitting to contemplate my thoughts on this platform.

One of my very favorite memories, and probably one of my absolute happiest, was the day I received my acceptance letter from BYU. What you might not know about me is that I have been obsessed with going to BYU since I was in the third grade and found out what BYU was. For years I had dreamed about going to this place and couldn't wait for my letter to come in the mail. But things don't always work out the way you want them to.

In February of my senior year, I received a rejection letter from BYU.

I was crushed and felt so defeated. However, I decided that I wouldn't give up. I decided to attend Snow College for a year, where I managed to get all A's, make the Dean's List, and reapply to BYU. I really didn't think I was going to get in because I wasn't technically considered a transfer student yet.

I was wrong. Once I received the email, I immediately began sobbing. I couldn't stop sobbing because I was so intensely happy. All of my hard work and dedication had paid off. I was going to the school of my dreams. Thinking about that moment still gives me the chills because it was truly the essence of someone's dreams coming true.

So, yes, I think that if I ever get promoted to being a witch, that memory would definitely be my happy memory of choice in conducting the Expecto Patronum spell. And probably my wedding day too.

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15. Conclusion

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