Monday, November 27, 2017

12. Family....Isn't it about...Time?

Most people who grew up in the LDS church probably remember this popular phrase from an LDS advertisement that used to play on BYU Radio and TV. Lately, it's been stuck in my head as I go throughout my day.

Family....Isn't it about....Time? Thinking back to growing up in Missouri, I often get very homesick. I think about all of the fun memories that my family created together. I remember being annoyed a lot of the time because, at the time, I had wanted to be with friends rather than with my family. Looking back, I don't remember as many memories with my friends as I do with my family. Now that I'm married, I realize how valuable time with your family is because, once you're married, it all changes.

I am grateful that I am married to a wonderful man, but often times I look back and miss those times with my family. However, it has only made me excited for the future with our own children. One of my goals as a mother is to ensure that our family does many fun things together and builds traditions that my children will remember for a lifetime.

All in all, the most important thing we have in this life is time. Especially time with our family.

1 comment:

  1. My best memories in my life are from times I spent with my family. This is such a simple, but very true concept that many have missed in the world. I feel that at times we get too wrapped up in things such as sports, social media, and jobs, when the most important thing is to spend time with our families.


15. Conclusion

The time has come for this blog to come to an end. It's the big conclusion, the big "see ya later". I've always love...