Tuesday, October 17, 2017

3. Getting Ready For That Research Paper


I am studying music integration in the elementary classroom because I want to find out the positive effects it has on an elementary student's learning in order to help my readers understand the necessity for this integration in the classroom.

Audience Statement:

My audience is against music integration in the classroom.

My audience is parents because they feel that music integration is not necessary and can be a distraction/waste of time for their children.

My audience values a great, enriching education for their children.

My audience most fears that their child will fail to succeed in their education.

Audience Counterarguments

1. Music integration is a distraction and does not help enrich my child's learning experience.
2. Music integration takes away valuable time that my child's teacher could otherwise use for a real education.


What are the consequences of music integration on an elementary child's educational experience?

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